Thursday, September 1, 2011

Slides From Last Week's Talk


As promised at the talk last week, here is a link to the AppEngine slides presented by Chris Schalk.

If you weren't able to attend the talk, there's a lot of really good information here so feel free to check it out!

Have a good holiday weekend (meaning write some code!)

Best Regards,
David C. Sainte-Claire

Sunday, August 28, 2011

SD-GTUG Talk on AppEngine

To everyone who made it out to the talk by Chris Schalk, I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did. I will post a link to the slides as soon as I receive it myself. I was glad to meet many of you, and look forward to making even more friends as we have events in the coming months!

Thank you to all of you who came, to Cooley LLP for providing such an awesome facility (not to mention sodas!), and to Chris for making his way down here to meet with us!

Best Regards,

Friday, August 26, 2011

August SD-GTUG Update

It's been awhile since our last meeting, but trust me when I say that I think the time was well spent. During the break, we worked to begin lining up Googlers to come to San Diego and give talks about the topics you indicated were the most relevant to you at our last social gathering. In addition to that it took some time to secure a venue that could host our events on a somewhat regular basis, so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the folks at Cooley LLP for volunteering their space to us!
Administrative tasks aside, I am looking forward to the events we're trying to put together over the next few months:
  • Tonight (26th August 2011 @ 6:ooPM) we are pleased to host Chris Schalk from Google, who has come here to give a talk about AppEngine
  • Tentatively next month ( 21st September 2011) the group organizers are working on getting another speaker from Google to give a session on Android
  • Tentatively for October ( 19th October 2011) the group organizers are working on getting another speaker from Google to give a session on Google Apps
At the moment we don't have confirmation from Google on the availability of speakers for September and October, but keep checking here and I will post updates as I get them. In addition, I will create a meetup event as we get closer to the dates posted above once everything is locked in.

Having speakers is a great way to get introduced to some of the many technologies that Google makes available, but code is also important! At the moment we are investigating potential topics for code bootcamps (e.g. introduction to Android or GWT) and also if there is interest in doing hackathon type of event where members of the GTUG can just come and hack and help each other when we get stuck.

All events will be posted on the official SD-GTUG Meetup page.

If you have ideas, feel free to leave a comment on this post. And for those of you coming to the AppEngine talk tonight, stop by and say "hey"! I'd like to meet as many of you as I can.

Best Regards,
SD-GTUG Organizers

Monday, June 6, 2011

SD-GTUG kick-off meeting at Urge


We're having our first event next week! See the details below, and make sure to sign up at the official SD-GTUG meetup site. Hope to see you there!

Come join the organizers of the SD-GTUG for a social event to kick off the group after an extended hiatus. The event will be very informal; a meet and greet where we can all introduce ourselves and put names to the faces that are registered on the meetup site and put together a list of topics that are the most relevant for our membership. Following the event, there will be a lag of approximately 6 weeks before the first technical event in early to mid August. This time is necessary to secure a facility to accommodate our meetings, sort out the topics that you indicated were the most relevant, and line up speakers and content to support them.

Details for the first event are as follows:
Where: Urge American Gastropub (16761 Bernardo Center Dr. San Diego, CA 92128)
When: June 15, 2011 6:00-9:00PM
What: Meet and greet. Appetizers provided. The restaurant has a large selection craft beer for sale (unfortunately, SD-GTUG cannot pick up the tab for alcohol)
Ask: Drop in and introduce yourself, what technologies you work with. Bring some ideas for tech talk / bootcamp topics that would be relevant to you.

Looking forward to meeting all of you!

SD-GTUG Organizers

Saturday, June 4, 2011

am looking forward to a more active San Diego GTUG, because I would like to be to network with other technologists who are interested in moving Android & App Engine forward. I also find that I learn about other Google Technologies via osmosis when I hear tech talks from others. I am an Android developer focusing on sensors and communications. I am also interested in Wireless health and health applications on tablets.

Rob, Rancho Bernardo
Stuff I do:

Friday, June 3, 2011


In this, the first of several inaugural posts to the new SD-GTUG blog, I would like to introduce myself and give a brief overview of some of the things to come in the near future. I am a software engineer at Sony, and have been working on server-side webapps-specifically in the eCommerce and marketing space-for the past five years. The majority of my professional experience is J2EE and Ruby on Rails, but my extracurricular passion these last few years has been mobile applications; specifically native Android clients. About a month ago, I took over as manager for our chapter of GTUG, and have been meeting with the other organizers to begin planning some events that I hope you will all attend.

Enough about me. I am certain that if you made it this far into the post, it's because you want to know when the next event will take place. There is a social event that we are planning to host in Rancho Bernardo on June 15th at a restaurant called Urge. We are still hammering out the final details, but check back here in the next few days (or on the official SD-GTUG Meetup page) for more details. Then, in August, we are planning to start more regular meetings that are more technical in nature; bootcamps, tech talks, hackathons, etc. The reason for the gap between the social event and the start of the tech events is that we are working on the logistics of lining up a space that can accommodate us on a regular basis, as well planning out relevant topics and peer-pressuring people into speaking about them. Stay tuned for details on all of these events.

I am excited to be helping to drive this group. I use the term drive loosely; being new to managing this group, I rely very heavily on the other organizers for their input. Google has a lot of technology for us to explore, and San Diego has a wealth of talented developers that I am looking forward to meeting. If we can also drink some good beer along the way, it will be a fun journey!

David C. Sainte-Claire